New for 2025


At our core our focus is our attention to detail. Our Flagship program of Solid State Hockey – where we offer PLAYER skills, is just that. Detail focused skills! Skating and puck work. This program is our foundation, and it has grown since our start in 2018. Continuing into 2025 – SSH will continue to offer player skills from Mites through Midgets. We come to YOUR practice times and work with your teams. Our skill programs are consecutive and build off each week. We will continue our ZONED practice plans – increasing reps and touches for the 2025 season! Our skill plans start with a warmup containing the underlying skill theme, then those skills are applied to game like situations in smaller zoned groups.


Our goalie only training group has developed into a three headed training dynamic that fits any and all youth program needs. For 2025 we will offer GOALIE specific training in three different flavors:

 1. GOALIE SKILLS - Our core team shows up to YOUR ice and works ALL your goalies at once. We provide the shooters if necessary and offer the same detail focus skill training as our core SSH group. Weekly, monthly or whatever schedule you have – our skill practices build off each week to build a complete goalie skill experience.

2. TEAM SKILLS - We offer TEAM specific goalie training where we send a goalie coach out during the SSH PLAYER skill sessions. This offering allows the TEAM to stay together. No more sending goalies out for different skills while the rest of the team bonds together. It’s a win win where players get to shoot on goalies during skills and goalies receive actual shots from their team.

3. Our newest offering – IN PRACTICE COACH – We understand that in a normal practice your coach is typically focusing on the TEAM. A lot of programs don’t offer a specialized GOALIE COACH per team. Here is where we come in! Our third offering has a Solid State Goalie coach show up to YOUR normal teams PRACTICE and work with the goalies in between drills. Coach has the team skating – our goalie coach has specific goalie skating drills ready. Coach is running a drill – our goalie coach is coaching the goalie before, during, and after the drill. Our staff's mission is giving the goalie(s) the practice attention they typically do not receive.


We have taken the best parts from our Solid State Hockey and Solid State Goalie divisions and will now offer them to ALL GIRLS programs. Our ALL female team of player and goalie staff will offer the same focus to detail and packages as above but with an all-female led staff. Girls hockey has seem tremendous gains and continues upward. We want to make sure our female players and goalies are receiving the same great skill coaching that our boys and coed teams receive! All previous mentioned player and goalie packages apply to our girl dev division!


SSH is proud to announce that we have a brand new OFF ICE strength and fitness division. Same focus on details, same COME TO YOUR PRACTICE model – SS strength is run by trained fitness instructors who are HOCKEY FORWARD. No more separate off ice training days. Our staff shows to the rink and takes the training to you! The concept is this – instead of separate days of ON and OFF ice training, we get the OFF ICE training in before or After the ON ICE. One location. One group. One stop shop universal skills fee. Package strength with player or goalie or both. Our groups operate together or independent. Just like our previous packages, strength builds off the previous weeks to create a well rounded off ice routine specific for hockey.


SSX continues building off last season as we look to grow and development. Look for us at the New England youth Lacrosse Convention HERE